Certificate of Destruction
Detailed documentation for proof of compliance.
Certificate of Destruction for your Hard Drive Shredding Project
A detailed Certificate of Destruction is critical documentation for any hard drive destruction project. Data privacy laws and information destruction guidelines require verification and proof of data destruction. Our digital media 5-step destruction process Provides a secure and verifiable chain of custody.
Our Certificate details the most pertinent information, including the who, what, when, and how. We capture the serial number, or your asset tag, of each hard drive destroyed. Let us know if you need additional details – we are here to help.

Industries Requiring a Certificate of Destruction
Every industry has a statute requiring them to comply with certain data destruction and security rules.
The enforcement and audit activities depend on your industry. Some industries fall under multiple privacy laws and data destruction legislation. For example, the banking industry follows the FTC Privacy Rule and FTC Safeguards Rule.
Banking & Financial
GLBA & FTC Safeguards Rule for data destruction and disposal.
HIPAA HITECH security rule standards for safeguarding and disposing of electronic protected health information (e-PHI).
Consumer Credit
GLBA and FTC Privacy Rule to protect and securey dispose of ePHI.
Data Destruction Standard
NIST 800-88 Guidelines are the defacto data destruction guidelines for all privacy legislation.
Our Clients that Require a Certificate of Destruction

NIST 800-88 Certificate of Destruction
Some of our clients require more documentation than others. A NIST 800-88 Certificate of Destruction requires more details than a typical COD. The most notable additions include the make and model of the hard drive as well as the serial number of the parent computer. See our summary of NIST guidelines for additional information on the NIST reporting requirements.
This is the NIST sample certificate. “This certificate is simply an example to demonstrate the types of information that should be collected and how a certificate might be formatted…” – NIST
Feel free to let us know if you need additional details for your project. We can send you a sample of our standard COD and NIST COD for comparison.